Tuesday, September 4, 2007

终于有你消息了 - kuso

yipee yaya yipee yipee ya!
I glad you at last post something here, to show that we're not alone!
So so happy to c u here when I just got up of my bed.
No news from you for like 24 hours, I almost call yishin daddy to ask why.
We were so worry about you, wondering why the plane to Taiwan really took u so long.
But now, we know you are safe thats GREAT!

Wow, only second day u have to meet new friends? So fast!
When you start schooling?

哎呀 我不适合英文 很多个怪 = =

无论如何 我们一定支持你
但是 只是moral support 呵呵

台湾好远 你要坚强
有什么问题 想到我们 马上赐你力量
呵呵 不要钻牛角尖就好
既然你已经走了第一步 以后就要更加油才行
还是那句 你可以的

哈哈 要把好消息告诉大家咯 拜 要常来
love ya

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