Monday, November 19, 2007

Tell me what FRIEND means?

Although is my fault but really need to go until like this ma?
Maybe one day later on,you will feel you shoulnt like this talk.
Mayb Wont.

Just . . . . . .
I really dont understand.
W.H.Y ??!!

I treat you lik ea close friend.
A friend that really can understand me .
But now?


Mayb our thinking of friend really diffrent.
Thats why.

Just talked with Awan and Prawn.
Feel better abit.
but still cant accept.

Haih.. Dont knw la!!

Imfine . I just wanna burst out.


Anonymous said...

i dulu sudah cakap u dont be to friend wit them

u sendiri dont 1 percaya

kawan sudah la !!

tak payah telalu !!

u ingat senang mau cari kawan macam kita a ??

but u 2 also got salah la !!
friend only tell u a trust !
u dont borrow ppl thing la , borrow ad mau tanggungjawab
she no need marah until like dis la , she marah u lain kali jumpa pun bu shuang la !

MC said...

I know la. You dont need angry for it.

Lupakan sahaja ba..

Anonymous said...

ok i dont know what in this earth is happening

MC said...

Why say so?

Anonymous said...

i know y mei yun so angry ike this!!
just she tell me!!
i also agree wat mei yun said!

but i understand...
no onli ur wrong...
both of u also wrong
so nvrm de!
u got us ma~
we friends forever o!!!

MC said...

While reading I was wondering who post the comment.
Really the alamak..
CUTE WORRRR~~~ Ke Ai Zhen.
Hahha. Nvm la.Past ady. Dun kep in hehehee.U memang i punya. hhehaha

Anonymous said...

heyyyyy WHAT happened??!
who bullied u MC~ !!
jz forgot those who hurt u k =/

MC said...

Hahahahahaha !!
So happy le me!!!
Dint tot you leave comment !!
Nola. Ady pass jor.
Gt pretty yin here,no want dare touch me de la.
Got you guys ady can untung back everythg

Anonymous said...


Chorus part,

Keep smiling,keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me,for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for