Thursday, November 22, 2007

Shit Final-Dirty

How is everyone homework?
Final left about 1 week more.

This few days I also rushing my work.
Hope this time presentation will really get the word of,
Worth .
All because of Sir keep repeating these words to me.
' say Byebye to your friends and say HI to ME AGAIN' .
Get the meaning?
He sakai de la.

Can I say something honest here?
For sure can la.

Nothing about it just feeling like say out.
Mayb Sir say I will fail sem 2 thats why I start to do my work.
Guess everyone in class will think Im the worst de cause
maybe I lazy or .. my drawing bad or .. dont know.
That day I draw something, Aiting say .. 'eh god draw de ahr' ?
I dint angry you ahr(aiting) .. It means not just you think that
my drawing is poor ..
But thats not the point.
Point is .. I feel .. Feel only.
Everyone look down on me.
Everyone might feel I cant finish my work.
DOnt know.

This week really not enough sleep .
I guess everyone that rushing homewrok als tired.
Just noe wanted to just continue sleep till morning but ..
If I did this. I really can die ady.

NO worry de. Im fine.

Aiting words makes me wake once I wanted to lazy.
Thanks alot !!

Everyone Jiayou on your final. !!

Here is a song give you guys.
Hope it can give you guys Gu Li.


Anonymous said...

u must rajin
n do something to give they all jatuh cermin !!

got something not happy just seach me

MC said...

I dint sad la. im fine !
ya. I will alwz rember what you say today.
6/12 will prove everythg

Anonymous said...

u got ur own direction now!
very good!

maybe one day ur drawing will like god's drawing
dont give up!
now i also can see ur improve!
tats really de o!
rajin rajin!
i think u can past the sem 2 the!
if u complete ur work!
but i believe u can do it better de!

Anonymous said...

finish your work
finish your work
finish your work

haha no point, know how to tell u, dont know how to tell myself.


MC said...

DOnt know izit this few days be with you too many ady.
Your every words I can serap masuk dalam otak.
Haha. No worry de la.
Scare no time only.

soo kuku (sound like son goku)
There's a will
There 's a way

Anonymous said...

wat is tats means?
i tell mei yun....