Friday, November 23, 2007

sori !! i cant control my 眼泪so i cry again.. i realy miss u all ! tmy

final coming ...
my final more 10 day !

n my poster just like a shit !!

but my painting improve ad !
2day small ases ..
mr liew say me improve many ad !!]
so happy !!
i realy happy
i think i improve den no body boy kot me ad

but something not happy come to me again they boy kot me not my work is she realy sad every boby i realy dissapoint wit she kuso ........... only u n yi shin dont know me i cry u say u can borrow me 肩膀的 u ingat me y u don 1 go 2 school i hate u i realy i stop school i cant accpect dis class ppl how but i will continuos my cause 就算 no friend because i must 实现my dream

mc i am the 1 who know yr feeling
but u also must like me
sasa teach 1 !!
she matang den we all
we must hear wat she say
don sad u got us


ME said...

i really dont like maria and jing yi.....this two ppl...becareful!!! Dont let me see u two buli meiyin!! if not wo bu ke qi!!

maria hen jia!!!

love ,

ME said...

wah. sasa GAN GAN SI ahr.
they dare again. I straight away go fine art shit them.


Anonymous said...

i dont like maria and jing yi too!
they always buli mei yun...
i also "sam tong"
i also will "bu ke qi" v them,
if they buli u again!
but how can i do???
sasa teach me la!
but i dont want gaduh de!

ME said...

bring them into toilet aiting. hahah


Anonymous said...

因为基本上我是属于冷血动物 娃哈哈

hmm i dont know abt maria thing, but as a friend, i mean, a classmate, dont be so close, just laughing friend enuf, dont need to be so close with her.

普通朋友就好,不然在fine art的情况也不好,所以你还是需要朋友的。
就这样,跟他玩的时候玩,不要太熟就好,不要放太多感情,ermmmmm,要放感情的话,放在我身上就好。 = =

Anonymous said...

hahaha...walao,kukusoso,u abit wei lorrr~ T.T"'

yin jie,
dun so unhapy la,holiday is coming soon,so jz do yr best on yr work,den go 4 yr hapy holiday lo,heheheahahha...
im vy exited cz holiday is coming soon man!can fly loo...

Anonymous said...

u write their name ????
i also only 敢write she only 叻。。
~~ my hand also在震ad~~~~~~
u be our 大家姐 now lo ..
so 兇。。
but soli la ! u thiink they all can buli me mie ?((sasa dont like dis 我也要臉的。。假假一下!不然全部彩給你們你們三個拿完了。- - 嘿嘿。。^^))

u pi pa a u all !
when i c u all comment i laught until ..............
happy lo ...
dont 1 say 1 , because su qi leh ?
wa >>
u wan bring them to toilet f mie ??
u wan 'eat them a ?'
wei ...
u can keng or not ??

they buli me because me face not nice lo ..
u know de la ?
what i win they all ?
no !!!
so must kena buli lo ..
no need sam tong la !!
n no need gaduh la !!
i can 忍忍忍忍!!!!
but 。。。
4 sem more o ...
got u all ma...
i can !!!

so ku
u realy so la !!
no la ..
because my 眼淚want drop lo..
i cant control..
sori lo..
did tell u my thing..
u alwasy didt come school
how i say ??
n u promise my thing also didt do !!
ya lo..
u betul..
i realy cant give they all love..
give u all only la ~~

jolin here o..
dont yer la...
i will fell sad when the thing happen only
after say to u all i will fell happy ad 1
but u dont say me fan ?