Friday, November 23, 2007

assess bring trouble!!!! sasa

hmmm..before i start thinking wat to drop here..i read others new blog 1st..i dunnu how to explain my feeling..i feel like mc and mei yin really need support from us..friendss..we are here for u ..dont care how ppl look at u..u live for urself not for them!! we are human sure need to pass by wind and water..hahaha..fungfungyuyu..kuso..this week i saw u more happy more 'zibaizeng' today u dintn attend typo wo..hahaha..1st time hor..u never miss de..but today class only 6 person attend..sam, julius, faizah, ah muk , sarah and me only..jon they all went to masjidjamek take photo..they all late and dintn go for nor wait them until 3 then start mr nor ask me to remind u something..i guess u know..he really care abt u..pipa la..

mc... who say interior designer need good drawing?? stupid...who can judge our design??? nobody ok!! BE URSELF..confidence..dirty ..happy...hahhaha ;D

meiyin.. u ask mc to listen my advice..then u ler?? crying mayb can reduce our stress..but not always..i very sam tong..beside i cant help u..but i will support u always..ur dream will come true!! Remember wat u said here ..dont gv up! ;D

yishin..its great to received ur latest news...know u are fine overthr..cant wait to caught up with u on january..wahhhahahahaha..very super mega miss uuu!!


Anonymous said...

sam tong is 心痛

me ok la !
got u support i ad happy lo

good nite

2 more i ases !

Anonymous said...

haha, really 6 ppl went? so Mr nor got mad or not, so less ppl.

sasa, dont do homework until sot jor okay? hahahahahhaha

Anonymous said...

walao!omg!sasa,i feel like i semakin lup u ady!evry words u say oso gud point man!i realy lup u!hahaha...u r a damn gud advisor!actualy if u nid a part time job u can go try 2 be a psycologist!hah!

meiyin,v all support u de,k?
mc,i tot u r more strong de?dun always negative thinking la u guys,k?
kusooo,yealo,tis few days saw u much much more happier den previous le~hehe,gud!keep it up!support u guys!