Tuesday, November 20, 2007

no direction ... clound - -

jolin concert dec 14/15
i wat go, but i wat save money
no direction !

my home work
dont know can finish or not !
worry i cant finish before final ases...
but ! wat can 1 do ?
no direction !

my poster..
idea all got ad !
but dont how to start ?
no direction !

y i become like dis ?
eat wat also no direction !

i sit infront the computer
n i know i have many thing to do
but i dont know hoe to start ?

realy no direction !

yi shin i realy no confidence !
dis is my weak point ..
but i will try to change !
n take to your comment !
u make my touch !

i wat do home work ad !


MC said...

Your eyes blind ady ahr? No direction! Tomor I borow my car for u to drive. C u got sense of direction or not la.
If you scare cant finish work then DO IT NOW LA !!!
Think so much for what?! Aiting teach me not to be lazy.
Kawan. Ur future lehh~~ Dont no confident. Dont luan luan think.
Just work hard for 2 weeks only then can relaks ad.
Tat jolin thing. DOnt nid go la. Nw save moeny nxt time buy the sit infrnt de. Like this only zhi de.

Anonymous said...

Buy a map

Anonymous said...


u dah hisap ai ting punya penyakit
dulu dia sangat fan orang punya
sekarang saya dan sasa dah ajar dia

u pula yang kena !!

alamak !!!


Anonymous said...


die la u !
buy map !

wait i go holan a !!

Anonymous said...

no direction 嘛 buy a map lo

Anonymous said...


