Monday, November 12, 2007

我该怎样好? - MC

Meiyun & Kuso.

Aiting , Sasa & Charmaine.

回来了给我一个 拥抱可以吗?


ME said...

need me to jiao pei a ??

wei !!
u write chiness a ?
pi pa u !!

Anonymous said...

i m here , u can have me if u wan to

ME said...

just now is pretty yin la

MC said...

I was thinking y tat article after me so garang. Yuan lai is Miss Pretty yin forget write name again.

Dont wan jiao pei v you can or not miss yin?

Today msg u no respon,guess you sleeping. Tot i can have a hug from you.

Anonymous said...

oh, what happened, tomoro u come to my house la i give a big hug

MC said...

That thing just today past le.If cant i dont wanna dig it out again. Later no ubat can cure. SHIT! Tmr u guys dun hv class.

Anonymous said...

wat is the point??
but however...
i give u support la!

MC said...

The point is.. NO POINT !!!
Haih. thx