yeehoo~keke! finally i come to update tis blog,really long time i didnt update ad...anlor hor,whr did yishin go wor,bayang pun tak nampak ni~teruk...hehe!but not jz me long time didnt come n update ar,still gt many of u longer den me neh~
erm...erm...erm...actually nthg i wan to say,jz c tis blog goin to close down like tat,haha,so i ma cepat cepat come to kacau kacau lor...keke...
my homewrk,adui~no nid talk bout it,teruk oni~hard to do...hav no idea at all!cham~actually im worried bout my homework,hahahaha,i knw many of u guys 1na "beng" me ady lar,hahaha,sory lar,i really duno y myself bcum like tis ad...haiz~so fan!scared will failed~adui,wont failed geh lar,if i dun so lazy or dun evytime do wrk depends on my mood huh.hehe! my wrk 1 day drag to another day...teruk hor me?hm...k lar,mayb i knw wat shud i do later...
my family,huh?sory lor,not suppose to say private things in here hor?k lor...
my frens...nthg can u guys r too gud ady~hahahaha!hapy mou?
my ... hehe...nthg lar,feel hapy oni... but feel unhapy oso sometimes...huh?wat do u guys think im trying to say huh?im talking money lar~haha!cz i paid my fees ad hapy lo...but evytime b4 half of the month my money ad...hehe...habis...adui~duno y tis few months not enuf money to use geh,meiyin ar,plz dun offer me go to sing k ady so offen ar...hahaha...nola nola,its my prob lor,sory~use money like using water paip...hahahahaha~
hm~~~2day... many days ady.....i....miss....i miss......i miss.......i miss............a chance to win toto n 3d cz didnt go buy,2day special draw neh!kakakakaka!!!!
oh ya,tel u guys some hapy sis goin to hav her wedding by october!!!hahaha...she 1 me to be her...not husband k...hehe...sory,i hapy til sot ady~to be to say in english huh?sory,my english not gud~ ban niang. which means i nid to keep fit from nw on...nid to kamfei ady....keke...
n erm...duno y my car's air con broken down ady!!!shit!tis few days weather so hot o,but my car dun hv air con,walao~hot die me,jz like im inside d oven u knw...adui~bcum siew kai yik...or siew ju~or...seremban siew bao?hahahaha!!! i think u guys its time to take me go to tanjung rambutan eat rambutan ad...hahahaha!!!
wah,i update blog talk so many things but feel like things tat i say is so no point huh.haha!
no ma,told ad i jz 1na come write some wuliao things,not evry things nid to hav a reason...but y tis dao li not much ppl can understand geh?y wor?y v jz cant do watever things tat v like without a reason? adui~
ntg 1na say ady...library here vy cold...bcum ice stick ady...haha!
ooppss...lupa tulis nama tim~